Pilot Wave | MIDI Effect Sequencer | Globals Programmer

Pilot Wave | MIDI Effect Sequencer and Dynamic Preset Generator | by Step Audio | Patented | StepAudio.net

Program the Global settings for Pilot Wave™ with this online interface.

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Connect the USB-MIDI device that came with Pilot Wave or another compatible MIDI Device to your computer before loading this page (reload this page if necessary).

Then connect the MIDI Device's Output connector to the MIDI IN Jack on Pilot Wave.

Note: if you want to Load Globals from Pilot Wave, connect the MIDI device's Input connector to the MIDI OUT Jack on Pilot Wave.

If Chrome does not find your MIDI Device, go to Settings/Privacy and Security/Site Settings, Enable MIDI Devices, then reload this page.

Choose your Global settings then hit the "Send Globals" button - Pilot Wave will show a "smile" of LEDs. You will also be given the option of saving the Globals file on your computer.

Choose a MIDI Device

To edit an existing Pilot Wave Globals file, upload it here:

Pilot Wave MIDI Channel:

Max. Preset:

Power-up Light Show?

Cue Loop Setting:

Pass Keyboard Data?

Enable Tap Auto Play?

Block all MIDI Clock?

Incoming CC Step Controller [1-31, 33-127]

Send Tap-Pulse CCs?

Tap-Pulse CC Channel:

Tap-Pulse Controller Number [1-31, 33-127]

Tap-Pulse Value [0-127]

Share Pilot Wave presets on our Forum!

To erase and perform a full Factory Reset, hit this button: