Use this page to create and read SysEx Messages for your STATUS™ MIDI Display
*** You must use the latest version of Google's Chrome Browser for this page ***
Generating STATUS Messages:
Choose your text, then hit the "Generate STATUS Message" button.
Copy the data into your DAW program or other application that can send SysEx data to STATUS.
Sending STATUS Messages:
Connect a compatible MIDI Device to your computer before loading this page.
Then connect the MIDI Device's Output connector to the MIDI IN Jack on STATUS.
If Chrome does not find your MIDI Device, go to Settings/Advanced/Privacy and Security/Site Settings, Enable MIDI Devices, then reload this page.
When you Generate STATUS Messages, they will be simultaneously sent to STATUS.
Reading Incoming STATUS Messages:
To read Incoming STATUS Messages, connect the MIDI device's Input connector to the MIDI OUT Jack on the device sending STATUS messages.
Choose a MIDI Device
Text to Display:
Line 1
Line 2
This STATUS Message SysEx data was copied to your buffer. Paste it into your application.
Incoming STATUS Message: